
speaking and removing all doubt

Saturday, November 10, 2007

sitcom remix

The crappy sitcom that is my office is almost ready for a new season. Will there be new characters? New situations? We know that one of the original characters will not be returning and another has been kind of assigned to a spin off. The current writers are remixing the plots in an attempt to generate interest and excitement.

Friday, November 09, 2007

anew not

I was quite surprised to get in today. Whatever problem I had before with the password is gone. I had already decided to start anew, but now I don't have to.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Not what I had in mind for the new year. But it could be worse. The roads are open and we are going home today.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

well, actually, we are in Kansas

The blizzard hit two days before we were leaving town for the holidays. At our house, 24 inches. The interstate was open the day we had planned to leave. So we left. After a midwest tour of the relatives, we planned to return home today. However a second storm hit two days ago. And the roads closed again. We are waiting for them to open. Our home only got 10 inches this time.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

my way

It could be a Greek tragedy. Two lovers separated by circumstances they can not control. They spend years journeying to find one another. Or maybe it is more like The Wizard of Oz where one person has been torn from her family and home and transported to another world. She searches for a way back.

I have been torn from what was my life. It is not tragic. Just disappointing. And inconvenient. Now, I need to find my way back.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I was told I did not owe them anything. So why did I feel guilty when I sent out my resume?

Monday, October 16, 2006


I thought my job would get better after the project ended. It has not. It hasn't ease up. People coming to me non-stop, needing this, missing that. It appears they are unable to function. What a bunch of whiners.